
Move over catholics

Lent doesn't hold a candle to pregnancy. In lent**, you pick something that you really can do without, but that sounds super cool to give up when you are around your friends:

"Chocolate Cake?"
"No thanks. I gave up baking soda for lent."
"Oh my god, I could never do that."

Pick. In lent, you get to pick what you give up. In pregnancy, other self-righteous fat ladies tell you what you should do.

I asked the following question on random mommy blog #345:

"I hear its ok for women to have a drink every once in a while when pregnant. Do you think this applies to a triple vodka martini, extra-dry?"


"If you want your child to become mentally ill, have SIDS, be deformed, or be stillborn, do it."

"Seriously? No. Maybe should rethink this whole parenting thing!"

"Honestly do you not think you can wait? With all the beverages in the world you would think that you could debate about which juice might you the most heartburn or something instead....?"

Juice? Finally some good advice. Make that a triple apple martini instead.

** Please note that, out of respect, no religious words will be capitalized in these diaries, ever, unless they refer to Him or His Noodly Appendage.

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