
Food Dropper

My dog knows that something is up. Lately she wears her anxiety on her paw. I'm not sure if she can smell it, or hear it, or taste it... but for a while now, some sixth sense has told her "Your days at the top of the family food chain are numbered."

Normally indistinguishable from a rug, now there's 3am barking, chewing trash, eating chocolate cliff bars off my desk, begging at outdoor coffee shops, and evacuating whenever presented with an open door. Last week she took a poop bath on the hiking trail.

My dog has always been incredibly tolerant of children, allowing herself to be poked and pulled and slapped by them, without so much as a twitch. Recently, after only 11 years, my dog has made an important discovery: small children drop food. And if they don't actually drop it, its easy enough to steal from them since their little hands sit conveniently at snout-level.

Oh yes, they'll be apples and avocado, goldfish and graham crackers... and more Cheerios than one dog could possibly dream of.

Imagine my dog's delight when, in 2.5 short months, she discovers that what is about to dethrone her is actually a food dropper.



Last week I was sick. Not like really sick, hurt the baby, sick. Just like cuh-cuh, achew! sick.

No problem, I can go to work, right? Its just a little cough. So there I am, sporting my birkenstocks with socks, because I can, because I'm sick. All of a sudden, I feel a sneeze coming on. Awesome, closest thing I've had to having sex in a while, so I nurse it out.

Except that's not the only thing that came out.

I speezed.


I am the lunch lady.

I cannot remember phone numbers, new people’s names, or much that happened before 2006. However, I have a clear picture of my grammar school cafeteria. Long rows of industrial folding tables were flanked by that universal installation: The Lunch Lady. It had a certain women’s prison je ne sais quoi.

I’d guess that the Lunch Lady circa 1976 was a cross-cultural phenomenon: whether you grew up in New York or Boston, Topeka or Kalamazoo, you had a lunch lady or two. She sported a short haircut and some girth; she donned the sleeveless flowered frock. I never made the connection at the time, but the shirt had to be sleeveless in order to accommodate upper arms that rivaled the size of most people’s thighs. She probably cut them off herself.

Last week my friends dropped off some full-on maternity wear for me. No more wearing my oversized 1980’s Herrell’s Ice Cream t-shirt and my board shorts. I’m rocking none other than the sleeveless flowered shirt.


Talking Dogs

My prior parenting experience comes exclusively from the mothering of one small dog.

A lot of you probably have dogs or (cringe) cats who you love very dearly. Maybe you’ve been together for a while now: 3 year, 5 years, 10 years. Surely at this stage, you have begun talking to your pets. Admit it, when you are alone with them (or not) you talk to them, even though they can’t talk back.

But… could you imagine if they could? What if I told you that in a short 18 months time, your dog would begin to speak to you. It would start small, like a mild "gaga" or even "mama." But then soon it would be words and sentences and profanity, until finally, one day, after all these years, you’d say something like “Who wants to go for a walk?” And your dog would reply "I do you stupid motherfucker."

I imagine this will be what it feels like when the frittata begins to speak back to me.


Where to Raise My Child

I keep saying that I don’t want to raise my kid in LA – bad values, bad air. But the question is… where then? I thought I’d consult with a professional, so I took a facebook quiz.

Now, first I must explain that I am the kind of person who is embarrassed to be the kind of person who takes facebook quizzes, so I have a fake facebook account expressly for the purpose of facebook quiz taking.

Some of the questions on the quiz were hard to answer, both because I am a woman of many faces (facesbook) and because I am in the middle of this transition from Drinky McDrankdrunk to Modern Mom. Do I answer the old way, or the new way? Because neither “apply stretch mark cream” nor “sit around farting” were on the quiz's list of Friday night favorite things to do.

In the end, I felt sure that I had inadvertently answered the questions in such a random way as to completely stump the system: it would either return something like Bismarck, North Dakota or just plain implode. It did think and think and think for a long time. So I walked away. When I returned, the devil had taken over my computer and this is what he said:

“You, my friend, should live in Los Angeles”


Not a Bowel Movement

As all we pregnant ladies can attest to, the old long tube isn’t working so well these days. That’s why for the last 4 months, even the tiniest pinch or ache in my intestinal area prompts the hopeful thought “Are those things finally moving?”

Imagine my shock yesterday at the OB when the junk started moving right there, mid-exam, and she says “Did you feel that kick?” I wanted to tell her that the book says that kicks don’t come until next month. But I didn’t want her to feel stupid.

And then it kicked again. And again “That’s definitely a kick.”

Disappointed as I am that my bowels are NOT, in fact, moving, I have to say… it was super fucking cool. I thought I would be afraid of the little alien. But not at all. Instead I've begun talking to it as my sole form of amusement.


Naked Day

Now that I am pregnant, I think that we need a new national holiday for pregnant ladies. I'm not getting pregnant again anytime soon, so we'll need to be quick about lobbying President Obama for this change.

Given that I'm starting to feel a bit claustrophobic because there's something pushing on me from the inside, I don't feel there should have to be anything pushing on me from the outside.

Therefore, I officially declare this new holiday Naked Day. Not everyone is allowed to be naked, just the pregnant ladies. No wastebands. No bras. No underwear. No clothes. Boobs waving like a flag in the wind, bellybuttons collecting pollen.

Who's with me?



I'm starting to resent the fact that I cannot drink. Sometimes shit happens and one drink just doesn't cut it.

When my plane is canceled, I want the option to sit down at the trashy airport bar and get drunk.

When I'm irrationally afraid of getting fired, and ending up on Welfare for Women With Dependent Children, probably with a bum hip and a limp, I want three dirty martinis, extra olives please.

When I look in the mirror and see that a large woman has overtaken my svelte athletic body, maybe, just maybe, I want to get drunk. Maybe I want to fill my coffers with liquor instead of resentment. It seems like a much healthier option.

Been busy gettin' fat

As a purely humanitarian gesture, I'd like to see about giving away my boobs. Really. Now I know why they call them boobs. They are stupid.

I have always had a fairly contentious relationship with my bosoms. On a normal day, they are a healthy cup size A, which is more than enough for me. During times of high water retention when they get a bit enlarged, I've even been known to "flick" them in angst. You know the move: index finger on thumb, release, ricochet... flick. No one ever seems to approve of this move except for me. Yet I stand my ground.

Now I don't even see the point of the flick. Now I'd have to take a baseball bat to them in order to get my point across: you are too freakin' big.

So many women seem to fancy these amorphous blobs of flesh protruding from their chests... enough to pay the price of seven trips to Vegas to see them get bigger. Why can't I offer up some kind of trade with these insane creatures? No need for silicone implants - you can just have my pregnancy boobs, the real deal, out of the goodness of my heart.

The damn baby can suck on a bottle for all I care. Just get these things off of me.



I am not getting fat because I am pregnant. I am fat because I am poor.

Here on my tropical vacation, I have discovered that if I lived a life of leisure, I would not be fat. Even though I would eat ice cream everyday, get my money’s worth at large buffet breakfasts, and drink heavily sugared cocktails, I would not get fat because I would not be shackled to a desk.

I have re-realized what I learned long ago – being in front of a computer all day is like legalized incarceration. You're in for the crime that you commit against your body every time you glue your ass to a seat in front of cancer-inducing device instead of taking a walk (cue birds), growing your own vegetables (cue new age music), or taking a dance class (cue salsa). It’s a crime of the poor – those who work instead of luxuriate. Working used to be good for your body. Hard manual labor. Now we poor people sit in front of radioactive devices while rich people tend their own gardens and go to the gym.

I am fat now. Fully and totally fat. But its not because I’m pregnant or old or old and pregnant. It’s because I bought into a lifestyle that I thought I needed in order to provide for my child. If we all keep making all these sacrifices for our kids, and then our kids make all these sacrifices for their kids, then isn’t no one ever happy?


Fat vs. Ugly

Not since Alien vs. Predator has the world seen two such monstrous (who knew that word didn’t have an ‘e’ in it?) opponents.

In The Big City, Old & Ugly are notorious deal breakers, even if you do happen to all the tricks: (view full size)

But here’s the thing that I discovered this weekend: although ugly can be hidden by a dark bar and a decent martini, my size is unmistakable. Dim those lights and that pear-shaped silhouette is all the more noticeable. Stay at the bar long enough for some drunken hands to come wandering your way and what’s the first thing they feel? My burgeoning baby belly.

After months of fierce competition, Ugly surrendered to Fat and they decided to join forces in the form of the perfect weapon: the stretch mark. At 41, that shit ain’t never snapping back into place again. I lose.


Not Everything On the Internet Is True.

The contentious matter of when to tell my date about my pregnancy is a non-issue. There will be no second date.

I'm not sure if y'all knew this, but it turns out that everything on the internet is not necessarily as represented. For example, my date was none of the following things that were professed/implied:
  • smart
  • funny
  • confident
  • affluent
As soon as I this became apparent, I turned off the charm and walked away. I went home straight away (no pun intended) and asked my GBF (Gay Best Friend) to marry me, since she possess all of the qualities listed herein. However, her princess-like desire for a 6 carat ring from Tiffany's probably rules that out. I prefer a woman who likes the trigger of a power tool around her finger.


Hypocritical Liar

I have a date on Tuesday night. To tell or not to tell? That is the question.

Turns out that when you take a poll, people have very strong feelings about whether it is necessary to confess that you are, essentially, bringing a third human along for the ride. Some think you should tell before the first date. Others at the end. Still others believe it is not necessary to tell until "the sex date." What do you think?

Really, I haven't even told some of my best friends that I am pregnant. Why should I tell this veritable stranger?

The bigger ethical question is: How should I update my online dating profile to reflect the nuances of this situation? If I characterize myself as "honest," and I don't tell about the baby, then I am a liar. If I write that I am liar, and then I do tell about the baby, I am a hypocrite.


This whole thing.

This whole pregnancy thing isn’t shaping up to be quite the bag of tricks it was cracked up to be. In addition to 9 months of uninterrupted PMS, I am now unable to enjoy even the slightest reward from this misery.

Going in for your kid’s ultrasounds is supposed to be the hallelujah moment of all of this. Instead, my kid’s picture looks like one of those images you see on Dateline of the pro-lifer’s parading around with pictures of unborn fetuses on their sticks. I can’t even look at it without wanting to chant “Hey, hey -- Mister, mister, Get your hands -- off my Sister!”

And that whole hearing the heart beat thing was downright spooky. Though I’m sure if my kid’s father is actually Darth Vader, he’ll be very proud.



Zippers have always been my favorite clothing feature. In addition to the obvious allowance for easy access, zippers have a certain confidence to them. Buttons say “I’m not sure,” but zippers… they know.

I would say that 1 out of every 5 items in my closet contains a zipper. Pants excluded, its still 1 in 7.

The problem is, thanks to my new nose like a bloodhound, I can’t stand the smell of them anymore. No longer can I zip up my cozy knit without thinking, “who just waved a stack of pennies under my nose?”

I already can’t wear 1/7th of my clothes anymore and it has nothing to do with how fat I am (yet).



I went to my ob/gyn for the first time this week. After looking at my ultrasound (“Everything looks great!”), and debriefing me on just how very likely it is that my kid will be mentally or physically deformed thanks to my advanced maternal age (that line was not supposed to be funny), she proceeded to do a manual exam and press on my uterus.

“Oh, you’re VERY pregnant.”

Again with the very pregnant! What the hell does that mean?

“Your uterus is just nice and engorged.”

Is it just me, or should the word “engorged” never be used in that context? It does not belong next to my uterus. I could think of a neighboring body part that I would like to be engorged… or even some foreign body parts that I would like to have in my neighborhood IF engorged.

Uterus. Not on that list.


Ugly People

This weekend, before my belly gets too big, I went out again. This time I had an explicit goal: get laid. In true tragic form, I am one of those women for whom pregnancy resulted in sex drive overload. This makes the dodged-a-bullet dumping all the more bittersweet.

Prior to attending the party where I was likely to meet my victim, I told my friends “I’m going home with the ugliest person in the room.”

Problem is, everyone was SO ugly that it was really hard to hone in on the super ugliest.

Furthermore, when really confronted with sleeping with someone unattractive, it’s just not possible to overcome your body’s visceral reaction.

You have no idea how useful “drunk and blurry” is until its gone.



I have neglected to mention that, a couple of weeks back, I got my first ultrasound. It was just shy of 6 weeks and the little nugget had a heart beat. I must admit: I got choked up. Some of it was probably because I was still pissed off at my ex for not being there, and some of it was probably because someone had a stick up my poontang, but mostly it was because the whole thing is pretty cool.

At first I was kind of bummed out that there were not two, because I had picked out two names and all. Then I figured I could just use both, like a middle name situation. “Guido Ace” or, if it’s a girl, “Ace Guido.”

This is how big the little pulse was on the screen: o

The nice lady with the stick up my twat asked if I would like a photo. When she printed it out, next to the o was the word "HELLO." Just because you have a magic baby wand doesn’t mean you get to name someone else’s kid. I almost gave her a piece of my mind, but I decided to save my energy for cooking the baby.

I wanted to post the little picture, but then I would have to scan it in at work, I’d probably forget it on the scanner, someone would find it, and I would be fired for trying to have a personal life during my free time.


Makin' Whoopie

I have officially had my first pregnancy craving/obsession.

Apparently, its impossible to get a decent Whoopie Pie in the city of Los Angeles, where I am currently in custody. For days, I paced around, not knowing what to do. Finally, some pregancy hormones kicked in and I realized that I could make them from scratch. I know. Crazy. Its definitely the hormones.

To prove that I made them, I took a picture. I shot it before assembly, so you would know that I didn't buy them at a bakery. There are even some official crumbs on the cookie sheet.

I ate one. It tasted almost like food.

I may have to wait until my second trimester when the mommy hormones really kick in before I try this baking thing again. Until then, or such a time when some authentic Whoopie Pies are flown my way, I will have to eat cake.


Two (2)

My days of looking good are numbered. Though inside I already feel baby-full, outside, the fact is that I still pass as a little heavy on the whoopie pie side but, otherwise, still pretty hot. So - last ditch attempt for attention – tonight I went out.

I went out… and I had two glasses of wine. That’s right ladies, call the pregnancy police: I had two (2) glasses of wine. Spaced out by two (2) hours. And I ate two (2) meals so that the alcohol would never make it out of my stomach (as may not the pizza and the burger, which are definitely still there).

When you go out on the town, you always run the risk of running into your ex. The advantage of this is that you know they aren’t at home making house with someone else.

The disadvantage is that usually after you break up with someone, you don’t want to see them – at least not until you have gone to the gym obsessively for two (2) months, waxed, dyed, plucked and generally had the opportunity to demonstrate what a glorious mistake they made. Me, I don’t have that luxury. If I don’t run into my ex RIGHT NOW, I will be fat, acned, and hunchbacked.


Whoopie Pie

Dear New York Times,

I am flattered and delighted that you read my blog (!) ... and decided to write a whole article on Whoopie Pies!

What you fail to mention is that the Whoopie Pie sensation has very much to do with the baby boom of 2009. More women are getting pregnant and craving Whoopie Pies for 210 days/year instead of 24-36 days/year. Its simple math.

If you wanted to prove it, you could measure the girth of all of our fat asses, divide it by the number of Whoppie Pies purchased, and have all the proof you need. There would be direct correlation between the birth rate increase, and the Whoopie Pie sales eruption.

Yours Fatly,
Dr. Milf, WP.D.


(un)Fair Trade

In case anyone missed it in my earlier posting, let me be clear: all those ladies who tell you that pregnancy is a glorious 9 months, including but not limited to the fact that you don’t get your period, have lied to you.

Right about now, some of you biology majors are probably thinking to yourself, “Hmm, Gia, if you’re still getting your period I think there’s a good chance you might not be pregnant.”

Multiple Choice:

How do you know you are about to get your period?
A. Cramps
B. Big and bloated
C. Cranky mother fucker
D. Horny
E. Crave Hot Fudge Sundaes, Oreos, Ding Dongs, Whoopie Pies.

I’m here to tell you: pregnancy no glowy ball of joy. It is none other than “F. All of the Above.”

That means for 9 months you are a big fat bloated crampy Ding Dong eating cranky horny mother fucker.

So, in summary, ladies, listen to the Minister of Truth: you will save $45 in tampons, but you will put 45 lbs of Ding Dong on your arse.


Move over catholics

Lent doesn't hold a candle to pregnancy. In lent**, you pick something that you really can do without, but that sounds super cool to give up when you are around your friends:

"Chocolate Cake?"
"No thanks. I gave up baking soda for lent."
"Oh my god, I could never do that."

Pick. In lent, you get to pick what you give up. In pregnancy, other self-righteous fat ladies tell you what you should do.

I asked the following question on random mommy blog #345:

"I hear its ok for women to have a drink every once in a while when pregnant. Do you think this applies to a triple vodka martini, extra-dry?"


"If you want your child to become mentally ill, have SIDS, be deformed, or be stillborn, do it."

"Seriously? No. Maybe should rethink this whole parenting thing!"

"Honestly do you not think you can wait? With all the beverages in the world you would think that you could debate about which juice might you the most heartburn or something instead....?"

Juice? Finally some good advice. Make that a triple apple martini instead.

** Please note that, out of respect, no religious words will be capitalized in these diaries, ever, unless they refer to Him or His Noodly Appendage.


Guido and Ace

I decided that maybe I don’t want to my child to be called Industrial Ceiling Panel. Its too common these days, along with Addison, Aiden, Emma, Emily, and Ethan.

How do I know this? I asked the Magic Wizard.

I want my children’s names to be daring, different, defiant. Something people won’t forget the millisecond after I introduce them. Something that wasn’t popular in 2007 or 1997. Something with an old world charm.

In case I have twins, I decide to pick two names for a boy and two names for a girl.

If it’s twin girls: Bertha (completely dropped off after 1950) and Ethel (same). I think those names are defiant. I think they say “I dare you to have sex with me.”

If it’s boys, I have selected Guido and Ace, both of which became nearly extinct after 1920 and 1880, respectively. Ace will hustle cards and if he ever looses, Guido will be there to beat the crap out of Ace’s mark until he gives the money back.



Today I made a bet with my friend. He is trying to lose weight, and I am trying to carry my first and only pregnancy to term at the age of 41. He weighs 210 lbs. I weigh 140 lbs.

Never in my life did I think I would bet someone that I could GAIN 35 lbs. But here's our bet: first one to 175 wins. Of course, I'm one visit to crispy cream per day away from skooling him either way, but I've agreed to play fair. Only baby weight counts and he's not allowed any amputations.

Of course, thanks to the fact that I've already stopped using my abs so that I don't hurt the baby, I already look 4 months pregnant. 175 here I come.



I was born an old Jewish grandmother, steeped in paranoia and explanations for everything. When I was a kid, I used to ask my mother "Why?" so much that she started answering "Because!" That always made me cry.

Like many other women who did not bother to do any research before getting knocked up, B.P. (Before Pregnancy) I thought that not showing for the first three months meant that everything was more or less business as usual, other than a few extra cells dividing in there - like a wart or something. But no. From the outside I look like any other unpregnant girl, but inside all this shit is moving, and shifting. Even before you baby kicks, your gas baby tries to knock down the door.

Sometimes these shifts cause dull achey pain that just makes you overall cranky. But more often than not, they cause arbitrary sharp pains. All roads lead to only one possible explanation: I'm losing the baby.

Usually, the pain is followed by an "Oh my God." Then I double over in pain. I realize that I must swiftly stop whatever I am doing and make my way to a horizontal position. But as soon as I start moving, the pain stabs me again. Inevitably I end up doubled over Quasimoto-style, protecting my spawn. To extra-protect the side of the body where the pain is - where the baby surely must also be, even though that side switches back and forth eleven times a day – I favor that leg by dragging it, limp, down the street.

When I eventually hit my bed, I usually breathe a large sigh of relief, pop a prenatal vitamin, and let out a gigantic gas baby, giving new meaning to the term “born again.”


Today I Had a Bottle of Wine

JK. However...

One of the greatest pleasures in life is coming home after work and taking a little dip in the sauce. I'm not talking full on drunk diving, just maybe hanging off the edge of the raft and getting your feet wet in the pond.

Way back since the days of cavemen, pregnant women have been have been tipping back some fermented beverage, after a long day of doing all the work while the men sat on their asses and sharpened spears. Thanks to some random study in 1983 where they looked at women who drank FIVE drinks a night, I can't have my after-work cocktail anymore. Now even the French have started printing warning labels on their wine.

This is ridiculous, I think. Look at Mad Men!

So I pour myself a glass of wine and take a sip. Ahhhhhh...rrrrrrggg.

Guilt and images of malformed babies fill my head.

So, I plead to Google for help. I am relaxed by the stories of many women who have imbibed while pregnant and had healthy babies (up to the lips goes the wine)... as long as it’s not the first trimester (and down).

Finally, the Pièce de Résistance : a 2008 study finds it actually helps the baby to drink! Thank God for the British. Kids whose parents drank seemed more well socialized! Wait a minute...

If personality is, at least partly (and tragically for me) genetic, doesn’t it stand to reason that the kids of the super chill drinky parents would be better socialized than the kids of the crazy psycho health-nut parents?

What am I going to do with this opened bottle of wine? I guess I'll feed it to the dog.



Getting dumped when your pregnant is a bit like getting jilted at the altar: it doesn't really matter how fast or how big the oncoming bullet was when you dodged it, it still feels like they hit you right between the eyes.

I've never been a dater, so it shouldn't disappoint me that I'm off the dating scene for, oh, 2 years to life. But it's like anything: as soon as someone says you can't have it, you want it.

Talking to mis companeras, I am reminded that the pickin's are slim out there anyway. Its so hard to accept people for who they are, and so damn easy to find fault around every corner. The only way to avoid the trappings of other people's failings seems to be to surround yourself with the company of someone above criticism - someone just like you.

Therefore, spawning a little GeeGee is actualy the BEST way to insure that I will be in the company of someone who meets my approval.

I know a lot of people think raising kids is about making the world a better place, but it seems both more interesting and more realistic to think of it as a form of low-rent cloning.

Can’t find anyone you like? Make a new one.


My Boobs Hurt

I always heard that when you get pregnant, its like this big happy dance because you don't have to deal with your period for 9 months. No one tells you that its JUST like having your period - swollen boobs, cramps, tears.

I did a search on the internet to make sure that cramps were normal (what can I say? pregnant=crazy and no one is immune) and I found this Q&A on one of the 8 bajillion pregnancy sites:

Q: I'm on week 5 of my pregnancy and I'm still experiencing cramping. I know implantation cramping is normal, but how long can I expect this to last?

A: It will last another 8.5 months, then it will get really, really bad for about 12 hours.

(It works better if you listen to this afterwards:)


Too Sore to Score

Allow me to do the math for you with Obama-like rigor.

Now that my paramour has just dumped me because I am pregnant (NC), that means no sex for the next 8.5 months until MILF Jr. is born: you don’t want to have sex with someone new, pick up a disease, and have your kid come out with a herpes sore instead of a right eye. It’s just not worth it.

Right after MILF Jr. is born, the vag is gonna be too sore to score (unless I can convince them to just cut me open and take the alien out, Sigourney Weaver style). Call that six months, minimum.

Now we’re up to 15 months.

Even if the vag was ready, MILF Jr. will most likely still be screaming her head off for my attention for at least another six months, possibly as long as 18 years.

Then there will be a series of dates that I begin to embark on, around year one, where I deceive my suitor until my charm has a chance to take its hold. But my charm will be no match for the announcement that I have a screaming one year old at home.

So, again, no nookie. That goes on for about 3 dates, or, 3 months, since that’s the rate at which I can schedule dates with MILF Jr. around.

Now we’re at 2 years, and I’m 43. Even if I could get anyone to touch my puked on spit on veiny overstretched body with the boobies flapping in the wind with a ten foot pole, that pole would have to have current STD-free papers on the end of it. Since that’s sure to drive a javelin between me and most of humanity, the dry spell continues.

All M no IFL... foiled again.


Bloody Pregnant

On Tuesday I had to go in and take a ($200) blood test to make sure I was pregnant. The doctor's office looked totally different when I walked in: now, all the women in the waiting room were old but I was young and fertile. When they placed a cotton swab on the needle mark, I got a glimpse of my own blood. It was extra red.

I waited and I waited and I waited for the results while sitting and not listening in meetings all day.

Finally, the doctor called. "Well," he said, "you're very pregnant!" "What does 'very pregnant' mean?" I asked as I talked over his explanation which included the phrase "...worry about twins yet..."

For a day, I freaked out. My numbers for (insert random three letters acronym representing pregnancy related hormone that all sound alike) were very high. "Come back in 5 days for another test," he had told me. Five days? In five days I will have already stress-eaten my young with worry.

But after just one sleepless night, I realized that this was actually a great idea! I could have more babies than I could handle, and I would just ask for the generous help of the american public to support the children. Without even asking, I was sure that all baby-related product manufacturers would spontaneously send me free wares. Yes! This was genius. I can't believe someone else didn't think if it sooner. It was nearly a full-proof plan.

Prepared to assist with any refugee relief requests that might come up in my first trimester, I sat down with a home lip filler kit, and began to write my autobiography.




This weekend I did that crazy lady-who-wants-a-baby thing where I bought pregnancy test after pregnancy test and kept peeing on a stick over and over again until one said I was pregnant.

It did.

I believe that I just proved, conclusively, that you can will yourself into being pregnant. I know a lot of people pray about this kind of stuff. But I hadn't reached the point of desperation where I was ready to make a deal with the G-evil. I was able to conceive simply by taking multiple pregnancy tests, until I got the results that I wanted.

I plan to write a book on this subject, because I'm sure that there are many women out there who would like to know about this new, foolproof system. I could be rich. Which is good, because I'm going to need the money.

Because I'm gonna be a MILF.


Pee Stick

Today I peed on a stick and found out that I am not pregnant. The feeling is somewhat like having an SUV roll onto my chest.

I start to think to myself “Maybe it hasn’t been two minutes.” So then I go look at a clock and start timing a new two minutes. As if it will be any different than the old two minutes.

It isn’t.

I read the package. I wonder if I’m part of the 13% of tests that could be wrong.

(I’m not.)

I go take a walk where I start to cry. But every month there is no time to cry, because I need to figure out what to do now. Which approach, which medicine, which bank account.

Before I can do that, I start thinking about all the people and things (work) in my life that irritate me. All the incompetence, all the shortcomings. It’s a crafty little trick that my brain has mastered.

I get worked up, and the SUV turns into an 18-wheeler.

All of that is easier than thinking about the truth.


Single and Horny

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Crazy Lady with Eight Babies

It must be said: Nadya Suleman is nuts.

Further nuts is Jeff Jacoby of the Boston Globe, likening this irresponsible incident to other “outlandish” things that have been “steadily normalized,” like gay marriage. Sit and spin, Jeff.

We’re not talking about a political issue, Jeff. It’s not the same as refusing to inseminate a lesbian on the grounds that it is against your (ignorant) belief system, Jeff. This isn’t about human rights, it’s about human health and well being. Jeff. Maybe, as you assert, courts would have ruled in favor of Crazy Bird eventually, anyway. But those doctors certainly should have done whatever they could to prevent this unsafe procedure.

People who are mentally ill are restricted from participating in many pockets of society. I wonder why motherhood isn’t one of them. It’s the life of a child that’s at stake. Or, in this case, the lives of 14 children.


Industrial Ceiling Panel

I decided to name my child after the first thing I saw when getting knocked up. So she will be called “Industrial Ceiling Panel.”

If I was sitting a few inches to the left, she might have been called “Sky” (short for “Lighting Panel Fake Sky with Clouds”). A few inches to the right, and she could have been little “Smoke Detector.”

While waiting to be impregnated, I have gotten nervous and I feel a crap coming on. This is particularly bad, because, no matter what they tell you about how you can go about your normal day, you believe none of it. After they put $465 worth of fancy-pants spludge inside of you, what idiot is gonna go sit on the crapper and poop it out? No way!

I’m on my back. 50 million Super Sperm have just been released into my uterus, adding to the 50 million swimmers from yesterday. Now we wait to see if my eggs are any good.

I never thought I would care about such a thing. Good eggs. At the age of three, I became convinced that marriage was out for me, since based on the empirical evidence that I had gathered, it directly correlated with having to clean toilets. Then I moved to California and found out that most people don’t ever clean their own toilets, and it opened up a world of possibility for me. From Marriage-O-Phobic to MILF, in just 37 short years.



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